Can You Really Make Money Selling Your Comments in Comments?
You already know it's a growing thing when folks are talking about how to sell in comments. The Internet has indeed grown into a very vast market for all different business types. From the big companies with millions of dollars to the small websites with maybe one employee, there are many businesses that are making money selling on the Internet. The cell in the comments area is also the spot where a registered user may leave a comment for another registered user that is related to them. It's actually becoming quite a trend to leave comments on other peoples' blogs and websites.
The first thing to consider when you are considering how to sell in comments is what your actual goal is. Are you trying to promote yourself, your product, or is it another website that you own and want to get traffic from? If it's the latter, you're going to need to be able to put a little bit more information together in your comment. It should be a little bit of information related to the product or service you are promoting. You don't have to sell anything.
Some people use the comment box as an opportunity to sell something. They enter their URL address in the box and in turn, have it appear publicly which means potential customers will see it whenever they go to that website. People who are promoting a website usually do this through the comment box. Consider this page to learn more about selling today.
Another group of people who use comments as a way to sell are those who are promoting their blogs. They will leave a link back to their blogs in their comment. Now imagine the number of people who click on that link. It could potentially be a huge number of people.
The last group that benefits greatly from comments are website owners. They can use them to get people to click on their links and then sell those ads on their site. So not only can they sell in comments, but also they can sell their products. It's just that simple when it comes to getting traffic. Check out these options for selling now.
Now don't think because a person leaves a comment that they are trying to sell something. It's just a normal way for people to say hello and keep in touch. Some might even look at it as an advertisement for their site. Just make money in your comment box the natural way by promoting what you're selling! For more info on comment selling, go here: https://youtu.be/Qv-cg91brn4